Dear Students and Teachers!
The University of Debrecen announces the call for application within the CEEPUS – Central European Exchange Program for University Studies – for students and teachers for mobilities to be carried out during the spring semester of the acaddemic year 2024/2025.
Applications can be submitted to the partner institutions which are members of the networks listed below:
- HU-0803-12-2425 SOWOSEC - Social Work and Social Economy
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Toldiné Bélteki Andrea,
- RS-1607-04-2425 SOWOSEC - Resilient management of bioactive compounds from plants and organic wastes in Middle-Europe
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Oqba Basal,
- SK-1018-10-2425 - Biology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Peles Ferenc,
- RS-1512-05-2425 - Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Sipos Péter,
- RO-0013-20-2425 - Teaching and Research of Environment-oriented Technologies in Manufacturing
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Tiba Zsolt,
- PL-0033-20-2425 - Development of mechanical engineering (design, technology and production management) as an essential base for progress in the area of small and medium companies’ logistics - research, preparation and implementation of joint programs of study in the aspect of Industry 4.0
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Tiba Zsolt,
- PL-0901-11-2425 - Teaching and research in advanced manufacturing
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Bodzás Sándor,
- SK-0030-20-2425 - FROM PREPARATION TO DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND UTILISATION OF JOINT PROGRAMS IN STUDY AREA OF PRODUCTION ENGINEERING – Contribution to higher flexibility, ability and mobility of students in the Central and East European region
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Tiba Zsolt,
- SK-0405-16-2425 – Renewable energy sources
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Oqba Basal,
- RS-1511-05-2425 - Research and Development of New Technologies for Innovative Product developement
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Mankovits Tamás,
- HU-0003-20-2425 - Agriculture and Environment in the 21st Century - @groen
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Tamás János,
- SK-1516-05-2425 - BioScience, Food and Health
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Sipos Péter,
- PL-0012-20-2425 - Language and Literature in a Central European context
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Pusztai Gábor,
- CIII-HU-0028-18-2425 Active Methods in Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Informatics and their Applications
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Herendiné Kónya Eszter,
- AT-0042-20-2425 - Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Hajdu András,
- RO-0010-19-2425 - Teaching and Learning Bioanalysis
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Gáspár Attila,
- PL-0062-20-2324 - Applied Geoinformatics (CEE-GIS)
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Bertalan László,
- CZ-1503-05-2425 – Sustainability and Health Economics
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Oláh Judit,
Ambrella Networks:
- HU-1201-08-2425 SOWOSEC - German as a Foreign Language in Central and Eastern Europe: New Perspectives of Teacher Training
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Horváth Andrea,
- CZ-1503-05 – Development of Computational Thinking
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Zichar Marianna,
- CZ-1503-05 – UniMedVet Alliance - One Health Approach to Human and Veterinary Medicine
Name and e-mail of the coordinator: Dr. Pálffyné Dr. Vass Nóra,
Prof. Dr. Németh Norbert,
General conditions
Detailed instructions regarding the application process are available ont he fallowing links
The on-line applications should be submitted here:
For further information regarding additional requirements you should contact the coordinator of the selected network.
Applications will be assessed on the basis of the student's academic record and language skills. For teachers, the most important criteria are the relevance of the topic to the host institution's curriculum and professional (teaching and research) performance.
Deadline for finalising applications on 31 October 2024
The evaluation of applications is the responsibility of the network coordinators with the involvement of the institutional coordinator.
Further calls are expected with the fallowing deadlines:
- Freemover applications: 30 November 2024.
For any questions regarding the application process, please contact Katalin Danyi, CEEPUS Institutional Coordinator, at the following e-mail address: