General Information

  • Area: 93,030 sq km (35,919 sq miles).
  • Population: 10,135,400 (1998).
  • Capital: Budapest (population: 1,861,383) .
  • Form of government: Republic.
  • Language: Hungarian (Magyar) is the official language. German and English are widely spoken. Some French is also spoken, mainly in western Hungary.
  • Religion: 65% Roman Catholic, 20% Calvinist. Eastern Orthodox and Jewish minorities. There is no official national religion.
  • Time: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from last Sunday in March to Saturday before last Sunday in October).
  • Electricity: 230 volts AC, 50 Hz. European-style 2-pin plugs are used.
Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 02. 16. 13:50