
Our students can always find a program appealing to their interest as the University of Debrecen can show off with an extensive first class club network. There are several university clubs, cafés and pubs, not to mention the biggest student centre of Central-Eastern Europe, the Lovarda, where on Wednesdays the biggest university party of the country is held.

  • Lovarda - Cultural and Conference Centre for Students
  • Kazánház University Club
  • Klinika University Club
  • Objektum - Sport and University Club
  • Campus Bowling Bar

Lovarda – Cultural and Conference Centre for Students

  • Address: 4028 Debrecen, Kassai street 26. ("Kassai úti" campus, next to the faculties of law and economics)
  • Tel.: +36 52 426 180 ext. 77095 or 77094
  • www.lovarda.hu

The biggest student centre of Central Eastern Europe opened its gates in September 1999.
A long cherished dream came true for the 30,000 students of UD as well as for locals, since Lovarda, with its 3000 square metres, provides a perfect place for conferences, movie and theatre nights, fashion shows, exhibitions, pop and classical music concerts.

The built-in light and sound effects satisfy even the highest demands. In addition to the big performance hall, visitors are served by a – soundproofly separated – bar, café and restaurant on the first floor. On the second floor guests are welcome to relax in the pool hall.

The 50 square metre rooms on the groundfloor, separated from the main performance hall, provide a place for smaller events or group meetings.

This 500 million HUF investment has created outstanding opportunities for the entertainment of both students and locals. In the last nine years there have been performances almost every day by performers like Ghymes, Lajkó Félix, Djabe, Irigy Hónaljmirigy, Edda, Zsuzsa Koncz, TNT, Tankcsapda, Ákos, Jazz+Az and Uriah Heep, Comets and the ClawFingeró. Cultural programmes are also available, the audience can enjoy regular performances by ZeneTheatrum or Hobo (Villon, Viszockij, József Attila). The regular Wednesday parties in Lovarda – the CAMPUS Party – are known to be the biggest university parties int he country.  

Kazánház University Club

  • Address: 4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138. (agricultural campus)
  • Tel./fax: 52 / 508 - 444 /88261
  • www.lovarda.hu/kazanhaz

The University of Debrecen’s second university club was built in the 2001/2002  academic year with a 35 million HUF investment on the agricultural campus. The club and its covered terrace take up more than 500 squaremeters and provide a great place for students to have fun. The Kazánház (meaning „boiler house”) is open on weekdays from 9 am to midnight, expecting students with darts, „csocsó”, coffe specialities and „student-friendly” prices. Crazy parties are organized every Wednesday during the term, with 80s, 90s as well as today’s hits. Smaller concerts, events, 100 guest class reunions are just as regularly organized as projected sporting events. 

Every April Kazánház contributes to the success of the traditional „Yellow-fever” of the students with a beer pavilion, and our New Year’s Eve parties are also justly famous for their great atmosphere.
Come and feel the heat with us at Kazánház!  

Klinika University Club

Address: 4032 Debrecen, 98 Nagyerdei körút (medical campus, entrance from Móricz Zsigmond körút) 

Debrecen's oldest student club was very popular among students, but by the end of the 90s it completely deteriorated. In the new millennium the pub - at this time known as Klinika Cinema - was dying for few years, then closed. The break, however, was not spent idly, and with the 70 million HUF investment of the Debrecen Campus Nonprofit Public Kft the club was rebuilt and modrenized. It re-opened its gates in September 2005 with four new  washrooms, a gallery and a wonderful garden, expecting students with movie nights, parties, concerts and other events.
There is no doubt  that both students and locals are rediscovering the professionally renovated, civilized club with an amazing speed.

Objektum – Sport and University Club

Address: 4032 Debrecen, 9 Dóczy J. utca (DEAC sports ground)

The DEAC sports ground’s popular pub is open every day during the whole year. Guests can not only enjoy refreshments on the sizable grill terrace but also follow the current sporting events on LCD televisions and screens. Soccer fans can even try their hands with „csocsó”.

Campus Bowling Bar


  • Tel.: +36 52 529 129
  • Mon - Thu 10:00 am-12:00 pm; Fri - Sun 10:00 am-2:00 pm
  • Located on the Kassai Campus in the building of the Campus Hotel, Bowling Bar not only offers a four-lane bowling track but also "csocsó" and darts.
Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 09. 05. 11:54