Call for applications - additional financial support for Erasmus students with fewer opportunities 2021/2022

Call for applications


         Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities participating in mobility abroad in the Erasmus+ program

2021/2022 academic year


Tempus Public Foundation is launching a call for applications for additional financial support for higher education students with fewer opportunities who have been awarded an Erasmus+ study, traineeship, or short-term mobility grant in the 2021/2022 academic year.

The aim of the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities is to provide equal opportunities for outgoing students facing health, cultural, social, economic or geographical barriers to participate in Erasmus+ higher education mobility.

Students with fewer opportunities may apply for additional financial support with the required supporting documents based on the criteria below. (The criteria are not listed in order of importance.)

  1. Participants with health conditions (outgoing participants who are disabled or chronically ill)
    1. Additional support may be requested for disabled or chronically ill outgoing students and staff in accordance with the relevant call for applications: Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses participating in the Erasmus+ program.
  2. Difficulties related to education and training systems
    1. Students attending a part-time or long-distance course. [Document to be submitted: copy of any official institutional document confirming the course of study.]
  3. Vulnerable social groups
    1. Students belonging to a national or ethnic minority recognised in Hungary, in particular members of the Roma ethnic minority. [Document to be submitted: a declaration signed by the outgoing student with his/her original signature and two witnesses.]
    2. Ethnic Hungarian minority students who are living outside of Hungary. Document to be submitted: a declaration signed by the outgoing student with his/her original signature and two witnesses.]
    3. Students with refugee status recognised by the Hungarian state. [Document to be submitted: copy of the decision of refugee status.]
  4. Social difficulties
    1. At least one parent/guardian of the applicant has not completed secondary education. [Document to be submitted: document and declaration certifying the highest level of education completed of the parent.]
    2. The applicant is a parent/guardian. [Document to be submitted: birth certificate of dependent child(ren) and declaration.]
    3. Students who are in or have left the public care system: students who were raised in a children's home, a residential home, a foster home or received aftercare. [Document to be submitted: declaration of placement in a residential social care institution.]
    4. Students who are orphans/half-orphans. [Document to be submitted: death certificate of the deceased, in case of a declaration of death or disappearance: court decision and declaration declaring the deceased person dead or missing.]
    5. Students living in a large family (2 or more siblings living in the same household). [Document to be submitted: parental declaration of dependent children.]
  5. Economic difficulties

[The following criteria (a to h) are formally certified by the granting organisation. The application must be accompanied by a supporting document issued by the relevant organisation.]

    1. The student has been awarded extra points for being disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged when applying to a higher education institution.
    2. The student has been awarded a Bursa Hungarica Municipal Higher Education Scholarship.
    3. The student receives a regular or exceptional social grant provided by a Hungarian Higher Education Institution.
    4. The student was a beneficiary of the Mentoring Programme of The National Union of Students in Hungary.  
    5.  The student is a beneficiary of “Path to higher education” – “Path to a degree” („Út a felsőoktatásba” – „Út a diplomához”).
    6. The student is/was a member of a Roma college.
    7. The student received a basic social education grant at the start of his/her higher education.
    8. The student has received support from the Arany János Talent Support Programme.
    9. The student has a sudden change in their social circumstances, e.g., death of the provider, unemployment - e.g., during the COVID-19 epidemic - long-term illness of the provider, accident. [Documents to be submitted: certificate of incapacity to work, certificate of unemployment, death certificate (in the case of a declaration of death or disappearance, a court decision declaring the deceased person dead or missing), in the case of long-term sick leave: medical certificate, declaration made by the outgoing student.]
    10. The student has a paid job and will have a loss of income during the mobility period during their studies or traineeship abroad.[1] [Document to be submitted: employer's certificate stating that you have been in employment for the six months preceding the submission of the application.]
    11. The student is attending a fee-paying course at the time of application [Document to be submitted: copy of institutional document, notification]. 
  1. Geographical difficulties
    1. The student is a resident of one of the beneficiary municipalities defined by Government Decree 105/2015 (IV.23.). [Document to be submitted: copy of address card.]

Who can apply?

Students attending a higher education institution in Hungary who are applying for or have already been awarded an Erasmus+ mobility programme place for the academic year 2021/2022 for study, traineeship, or short-term mobility. Additional support is not available for mobility already completed at the time of application.

The amount of additional financial support

For study mobility and traineeship mobility, €250 per month.

For short-term student mobility, a one-off grant of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days) on top of the Erasmus+ basic grant awarded. The sending higher education institution will transfer the additional support together with the basic grant.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted via Tempus Public Foundation's equal opportunities application platform https:\\

(Attention! Students or staff with health conditions may apply to their sending institution in accordance with the conditions set out in the Erasmus+ Call for applications for Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses participating in the Erasmus+ program.)

Documents to be submitted

  • Copy of the supporting document according to the application criterion


Important information! If the applicant is eligible for more than one of the listed criteria, he/she may indicate this, but only one of them needs to be supported to qualify for the additional support.


A valid application can only be submitted using on together with the required attachments.

Application deadline


Applications may be continuously submitted until the end of the 2021/2022 academic year subject to the availability of funds.

The evaluation process, contracting and transfer of the grant is time-consuming, therefore we recommend submitting your application at least 3 months before the start of your mobility.

Evaluation of applications, decision-making process

The formal assessment of applications is carried out by the sending higher education institution in consultation with Tempus Public Foundation. If applications exceed the available budget, the announcer reserves the right to suspend the application with immediate effect, to change the application criteria or to reject the application.


For further information, please contact your institutional Erasmus+ coordinator or Tempus Public Foundation (

Call for applications - additional financial support for Erasmus students with fewer opportunities 2021/2022

List of beneficiary municipalities

Guidelines for students

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 09. 05. 12:02