Call for applications Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses participating in the Erasmus+ program 2021/2022 academic year

Call for applications

Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses participating in the Erasmus+ program

2021/2022 academic year


The University of Debrecen and Tempus Public Foundation are inviting applications for additional support for students or staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses studying/working in higher education who have won an Erasmus+ mobility scholarship in the 2021/2022 academic year. The aim of the additional support is to provide equal opportunities in the field of higher education for outgoing participants with special needs in the Erasmus+ program.


Who can apply?

Students and staff who have won an Erasmus+ scholarship for the 2021/2022 academic year are eligible to apply if they have a disability or need for ongoing medical supervision due to a long-term illness and they can demonstrate that their condition constitutes a significant additional cost to their average cost of living abroad (for example, Erasmus+ participants who are visually impaired, disabled, hearing impaired, diabetic, lactose or gluten intolerant, or have other illnesses).


 What costs are eligible?

  • Additional support may be requested to support additional costs related to mobility to overcome obstacles to participation in the program: these are well-defined, specific expenses that are directly related to relocation, travel, and residence abroad.
  • Only items that arise related to mobility, in connection with a chronic illness or disability are eligible.
  • The Erasmus+ participant cannot finance the eligible costs from any other source  


What costs are not eligible?

The purpose of the additional support is not to support the usual costs related to the participant’s everyday life (e.g., meals, daily necessities, medicine): i.e., costs that would be incurred in Hungary without mobility are eligible only if they represent a significant additional cost over and above the costs incurred in Hungary.

How to apply

To apply, submit the appropriate application form completed in full.

Compulsory attachments:

medical history no older than 3 months; if the medical history is older than 3 months, it is obligatory to enclose a general practitioner/specialist certificate no older than 3 months, which supports and certifies the medical history.


  • A summary of the disease issued no more than three months prior by a general practitioner or specialist in the case of a request for the cost of medicines, travel home, laboratory or specialist examination abroad, physiotherapy abroad. The summary should contain the medical history, previous diagnostic tests, treatments, results, medicines used and their dosage, and if the applicant requests support for travel home, laboratory tests/specialist examination/physiotherapy abroad, information that supports the necessity for such;
  • In the case of a chronic disease: laboratory, diagnostic imaging, or other results, and diagnosis made by a specialist. If the medical report written by a specialist contains laboratory or other results supporting the diagnosis of the disease, it is not necessary to attach the latter separately. However, a laboratory or diagnostic imaging result in itself, without specialist diagnosis, is not sufficient;
  • In the case of support for maintaining a special diet, the attached specialist report must include information relevant for the diet, or the need for the diet must be made clear in the diagnosis. The additional costs of maintaining the diet must be supported by information on prices in the destination country.


The application must be submitted electronically to the coordinator of the sending institution ( using the form provided, completed digitally:


Documents to be submitted:

  • A digital version of the application form (xlsx file) completed in full
  • The scanned version of the compulsory attachment(s)


A valid application can only be submitted if it includes the application form provided and the listed compulsory attachments.

Deadline for submission of application

Applications can be submitted continuously.


It is recommended that the application for additional support is submitted 3 months before the planned start of the mobility to allow sufficient time for the evaluation process, contracting and the transfer of the additional financial support before the mobility takes place.

Evaluation of applications, decision-making

The formal assessment of the applications is carried out by the sending higher education institution, while the content is assessed by independent medical experts appointed by Tempus Public Foundation. The medical experts will make a recommendation on the eligibility of the additional financial support application based on the medical history summary.

Late submission of missing documents is not possible. The Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation decides on the applications and the amount of the support, there is no possibility of appeal against the decision of the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation.

Amount and settlement of the additional support


Based on the summary of the medical history, the medical experts will make a recommendation on the eligibility for the additional financial support, assessed from the point of view of mobility. Applicants should note that the additional support does not always cover all additional costs incurred during mobility.


  1. Student mobility


    1. Provided that the request for additional support is supported by the documents submitted, the additional support for students will be a flat-rate amount of 250 euros per month. For short-term student mobility, the support will be a one-off amount of 100 euros (for mobility of 1-14 days) or 150 euros (for mobility of 15-30 days). For student mobility, an itemised list of costs is not necessary to apply for additional support of up to 250 euros, nor is a list of purchased items certified by invoices required at the end of the mobility.


    1. If the student needs additional support exceeding 250 euros per month for the mobility or has applied for another equal opportunities criterion, further additional support may be requested. In this case, the applicant must list the items in the application form for which he/she requires additional support and the amount of support requested. The application form must indicate the amounts requested for the whole period. Only items closely linked to the stay abroad may be supported. If, based on the documents submitted, the amount of the additional allowance proposed by the medical experts exceeds 250 euros per month, only the amount exceeding 250 euros per month must be accounted for by the outgoing participant, supported by invoices.


Student mobility

Amount of support


for study/ traineeship

a flat rate of €250/month


for short-term student mobility

a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days),

or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days)


for requests over €250

amount proposed by the medical experts

Itemised list of all other costs on top of the initial €250


  1. In all cases of mobility of higher education staff, an itemised list of the items requested is required at the time of application and the outgoing staff member must provide invoices to prove the use of the full amount of the additional support awarded at the end of the mobility.  


Mobility of higher education staff Amount of support


Educational or training mobility amount proposed by the medical experts

Itemised list of costs


Use of support, settlement


For staff mobility and for student mobility where the additional financial support awarded exceeds 250 euros per month, the additional support can only be used for the costs requested in the application and approved by the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. Proof of use must be provided with an itemised list supported by invoices by the participant at the end of the mobility.

The additional support will be transferred by the sending higher education institution to the supported applicant.

For further information, contact your institution’s Erasmus+ coordinator or Tempus Public Foundation (



Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 09. 05. 12:02